Courses and Projects

Operating System Practice


The design goal of this experimental code is to give a set of operating system kernel development (operating system part) experiments driven by a given application on the RISC-V platform, as well as software and hardware co-design (system capability training part) experiments associated with the operating system. By completing part of the series of experiments on operating systems presented in this book, the reader will be able to develop an engineering understanding corresponding to the concepts learned in the Principles of Operating Systems course. Furthermore, by completing the series of experiments on system capability training given in this book, readers can establish a relatively complete understanding of the overall system composed of modern computer hardware (involving courses such as Principles of Computer Composition and Interface Technology) and underlying software (involving courses such as Principles of Operating Systems) from an engineering perspective. Read more

OSPP 2023 - 基于openEuler的Chatbot文本机器人服务


Open Source Summer is a summer open source activity initiated and long-term supported by the “Open source Software Supply Chain Lighting Program” of the Institute of Software of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It aims to encourage students to actively participate in the development and maintenance of open source software, cultivate and discover more excellent developers, promote the vigorous development of excellent open source software community, and help open source software supply chain construction. Read more

Parallel Programming Practical


This “HUST - University of Sydney” parallel programming practical class activity aims to implement the spirit of accelerating the expansion of education opening to the outside world, promote the school’s “double first-class” construction, introduce world-class teaching resources, expand the international academic vision of our students and expand the influence of the school and computer science. More than 200 students applied for the course, and after the final selection, more than 100 students from different schools in different professional fields (including Nanyang Technological University, University of Macao, Nanjing University, Nanjing University) were selected. Students from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (including HUST) became the students of “HUST - University of Sydney Parallel Programming Practice Class”. Read more

CSAPP Experiment


The experiments of APP have the following in common: They have experienced the test of CMU classroom. The authors developed and refined these experiments in classrooms with 150 to 250 students over 10 years. The course is highly rated by students, who generally cite the experiments as the reason why they love the course. Automatic test and evaluation of drivers. Students write the solution in C and then link it to the C driver. The driver runs its solution, checks its correctness, and makes a quantitative evaluation of the solution. Students use this feedback to refine their answers. Read more

Python Big Data and Artificial Intelligence practice


This paper uses the third-party platform Rotten Tomatoes movie review dataset as the research object. Text sentiment analysis mainly includes the steps of data acquisition, preprocessing, classifier selection, emotion category output and so on. The difference between film review mining and other written review materials is that it includes not only the individual’s views and opinions on the plot of the film, but also the subjective evaluation of the director, screenwriter, protagonist and other relevant characters of the film. The diversity of evaluation elements, the richness of emotional information and the flexibility of language expression make it difficult to analyze the emotional classification of film evaluation, but in-depth research has great theoretical and practical value. Read more